TECS on hiatus due to Covid-19 pandemic

Posted on | TECS on hiatus due to Covid-19 pandemic

Originally, the project had scheduled its next meeting for for the end of March 2020, shortly after the lockdown measures hit the whole continent. Besides the general recommendations and restrictions against travel, a regular continuation of the project is not possible at this time due to the subject matter of TECS: The social and care sector is especially vulnerable. Yet, physical visits to services are an important cornerstone of the exchange in the project. For now, the consortium, has decided to pause the project until it is safe again for the people living in the care homes and also the project participants do engage in physical meetings, including field visits, again.

Ongoing online exchange

The project partners will continue to stay in touch through frequent online meetings. This does not only serve the purpose of monitoring when a continuation of the project is possible, but also serves as a forum for exchange of experience and mutual support during the pandemic. Thereby the spirit of cooperation and the connections already created by TECS are kept active in a very constructive way until it is possible to proceed with the project as such.