Project conducts first two meetings

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The project TECS conducted its first two meetings at the end of last year.

The Kick-Off took place in October 2019 in Slovakia, where the project group got together in person for the first time. The participants got to visit local partner ASSR’s home emergency call centre and learned about the system of the “SOS-Button” – emergency button bracelets for outpatient care services – and how the staff is trained to respond to those emergency calls.

In December 2019, the second TECS meeting was hosted by project partner ASBÖ in the Austrian state of Burgenland which is known in Austria for its modern and progressive long time care system. The participants of the TECS project hat the chance to visit three different care homes and learn about the modern training of the staff working in the care homes. Also the participants learned about the financing of the care system in Austria and the state of Burgenland in particular.

Project group in front of an ASBÖ care institution during a field visit at the second meeting.

Six more meetings are planned over the course of the project, which will provide further insights into various social services and training through workshops and field visits.